i have been thinking for a while about my sense of identifying false statements, i have an ability to find out false statements in conversation with ease. it might be because my brain has strong statement analysis algorithm, or it could be because the opponent is using really easy to detect false statement algorithm at his brain.
you might think me an idiot...but i will try to explain how my analogy is working, it might not be just as you analyze or it might be helpful for you to fix yours, or at least compare with mine... :)
False Statement Cases:1. The person is reporting a news which is a public issue e.g. Political, Religious, Sports...etc if the person is making statement regarding an immediate future decision which is going to be a rule sooner, he will try to state as much correct as he can....But if he is speaking about some Political,Religious,Sportsman personal life, be sure he/she is going to bluff a lot.
For Example:High degree true statements:Political - person report about decision on some bill in senate...etc
Religious - speaking about an event in recent past or near future, or telling you some well know versus from holy books...etc
Sports - talking about recent held games score list, or near future happening tournaments date schedule...etc
High degree False statement:Political - talking about politicians sexual affairs or their corruption stories...or even their bank accounts...etc.
Religious - talking about way past events, those are not well know...reporting you versus of holy books those you heard first time....etc.
Sports - reporting tournament budget or publicity expenditure...sportsman affairs...bank accounts...etc.
2. Narrating some event:There are two cases in this type of statement,
a - The event happen without your presence. i. the person reporting is not first person who report you this event.
In such case you already have a scatch in mind about the event, though reporting events in general has lot of false reporting even if it is through print-media, you will get hell lot of false statements. So if you have an idea about some even and someone is reporting the same to you, it give you better chance to compare the new reporting with your past knowledge/information.
ii. the person is reporting you event for the first time.
No doubt mostly in our life, we receive information regarding events where we were not present and someone is give us information for the first time. Mostly when people get idea that you d'nt have information of the event he is reporting you, he/she will try to add false statements as much as he can. this kind of first intro stories are mostly mixture with lots of false statements.
b - The event happen in your presence. Of course if you are part of an event and someone is reporting you from that event, you have better position to analyze about statement worth. In such situation people mostly take care of reporting false statement, as you were a part of same event.
3. NumbersIf someone is reporting you numbers/figures you have to take care in such situations.
Mostly people use round-off figures that can be a problem for you lately.
e.g. you are making some business deal and your supplier gave you a rough idea of items price in round-off later when you actually buy products, you get heavy lose.
such as 3 <> 2.7 and round-off will make 2.7 to 3 that can cause you loses.
There are some other cases as well in Numbers,
For Example, people report a person's wealth in round-off i.e. "Mr. XX is millionaire" but do you think he has exact that figure in his bank account...this kind of statement are mostly false.
Another case is in distance reporting, if you ask how for would be New Yark from Kabul :D they will always make a guess, never heard real distance.
4. Newspaper:Newspaper is one of the biggest source of false statements, be sure when you read newspaper almost 80% of text is false...most of the newspapers specially in 3rd world are ran by politicians or mafia, so they print only what they want.
you have to take care especially text on current affairs.
5. Drama/Films::D do you need me to write for this category !
the most enjoyable part of their shit false story would be "
This FILM/DRAMA is based on true story" :D
6. Back Biting:Mainly more than 80% is false, when a person is talking about someone in his absence, be sure he is biased and he would spread hell lot of shit. In such situation you have to first find reason "why he is reporting this shit in someone's absence" then what benefit he is expecting from this lie/reporting.
BIG TIP make your false statement true:Just keep all above points in mind before reporting false statement, i am sure you can report high degree false statement almost as that is true.
PS: i would ask all my readers to share their way of identifying false statement.